TDCI In-house Training Programmes
TDCI offers a range of specialised training programmes in business consulting, organisational excellence, leadership development, diversity, change and transformation. We can further customise the training to suit your needs. TDCI is a registered service provider with the Services Seta and can thus also present any unit standard based training that is not listed below. Below please find a list of our in-house training programmes.
Please contact Masie Moagi ( if you require a full programme outline, or more information in regards to one of the programmes listed below.
Business Related Training
Knowledge Management Programme
Event Management Programme
Corporate Governance and Ethical Business conduct
Shop Steward Practice - Introduction
Project Management
Basic Bookkeeping and budgeting
Project GovernancePublic Governance
Business Coaching and mentoring programme
Public Financial Management
Corporate Governance
Financial Management for Non-Financial Managers
Time Management
- Research Methodology
Project Management Essentials for Managers
Project auditing monitoring & evaluation
Policy Development
Stakeholder Management Workshop
Change Management & Transformation
Introduction to Change Management
Advanced Change Management for Strategic Managers
Organisational Development Programme
Managing change and transformation
Customer Care & Service Excellence
Customer Care and Service Excellence
Customer Care Management
Batho Pele and Service Delivery Programme
Diversity and Inclusion
Diversity Awareness ProgrammeDiversity and Inclusion Programme
Diversity Management Programme (Operational)
Executive Diversity Management programme
Diversity 'Train the Trainers' Programme
Employment Equity, Diversity and Transformation Programme
Employment Equity programmeEmployment Equity Committee Programme
Discrimination workplace harassment ​
Wellness & Engagement
HIV/Aids Awareness SessionThe Management of HIV/Aids in the Workplace
HIV/Aids Peer Counsellor TrainingHIV/Aids 'Train the Trainer' Programme​
Human Resource Management
Human Resource Management Programme
Labour Relations Programme
Negotiation Skills
Shop Steward Practice
Occupational Health & Safety
Advanced Shop Steward Training
Effectively Managing Discipline in the Workplace
Conducting Disciplinary Hearings
Labour Relations Programme
Shop Steward Practice - Advanced
Total Quality Management
Performance Management
Leadership & Management
Supervisor /Junior Management Training Programme
Advanced Leadership & Management Skills
Middle Management Programme
Emerging Leadership Programme
Senior Management Programme
Transformational Leadership
Local Government Excellence
Integrated Development Planning CourseSupply Chain Management for the public sector outline
Performance management systems
Team Performance
Effective Decision Making
Effective Delegating
Managing Teams
Facilitation Skills for Experiential Learning Practitioners
Creating High Performance Teams
Creative Problem Solving
Total Quality Management
Business Psychology Skills Training
Emotional Intelligence
Enhancing business Communication Skills
Assertiveness Skills
Conflict Management
Stress Management Skills
Effective anger management skills
Effective Stress, Anger & Conflict Management Skills
Master the art of skilful communication
Advanced Conflict Resolutions Skills
Time Management
Effective People Programme
Interpersonal Relationships
Effective stress management skills