Articles & Resources
Welcome to TDCI’s hub for Diversity, Inclusion, Employment Equity & Transformation related services. Below are some insightful articles on EEDT.
An assessment of employment equity and Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment developments in South Africa: Frank M. Horwitz School of Management, Cranfield University, Cranfield, UK, and Harish Jain Michael de Groote School of Business, McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada. Equality Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal. Vol. 30 No. 4, 2011. pp. 297-317
An orientation to the systems psychodynamic approach to diversity: Marius Pretorius
Beyond Vanilla: Diversity as a driver of growth. Michael Lalor & David Lapin. Bussiness Day, May,2005
Defining diversity: the evolution of diversity. Camille Kapoor, (2011),"Defining diversity: the evolution of diversity", Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism. Themes, Vol. 3 Iss: 4 pp. 284 - 293
The Diversity Scorecard: How to Strategically Measure Diversity Results. Edward E. Hubbard, International Organization & Human Performance Consulting Corporation, Utah, USA
Disability can benefit your company: Many companies mistakenly believe that hiring people with disabilities is inconvenient, but there are benefits. From qualifying for tax allowances to ducking hefty penalties, here are some of the perks. Disability employment is sometimes regarded as cumbersome ...​Read more -- By Rustim Ariefdien
An employment checklist: There are a Few things companies should consider before they commit to employing people with disabilities. The employment of persons with disabilities has become an important consideration for businesses, as employers have to comply with legislation and can also then reap the benefits that are associated with the employment of persons with disabilities. Read more - By Rustim Ariefdien
Universal access: The first pillar to empowerment -In the second article of a series on implementing the white paper on the rights of persons with disabilities, i take a closer look at how removing barriers to access plays a role in empowering people with disabilities. The first Empowerment Pillar of the White Paper on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (WPRPD) is “removing barriers to access and participation”. Read more - By Rustim Ariefdien
Generations in the workplace
Managing a Multi-generational Workforce. Vitality! EFAP Newsletter for Human Resource and Occupational Health Professionals, Program Administrators, Supervisors, and Key Personnel © 2012 Homewood Human Solutions™ 1 volume 2 number 3
Millennials and Generation Z: Points of contrasts and comparison - Cicilia Visser
Generation Gaps: The minefield between Minecraft and Mein Kampf - Cicilia Visser